Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What you say reflects the state of mind you are in.....when I encourage others, I'm essentially encouraging myself!

Remember that the only difference between the results we see in this world and in our head is whether or not we took action upon it ! It's like, the difference between what you see on your computer and the flyer you distribute is whether you print it out! 

And here are my philosophies which brings me where I am with all this.

(1) The problem with the world is, the stupid are cocksure while the intellligent are full of self-doubt. ~ Bertrand Russell

Sloane says : Have you ever wondered why good people always second guess their abilities while idiots race for the nominations to head anything? And have you thought about why the most ethical and honest people lose heart while the unsrupulous businessman sleeps well at night? Have you ever thought about how the fact that it is against the law, it is morally wrong, it could take another's life, it is difficult to penetrate (the bank vault!) and it is illegal to own firearms doesn't stop the bank robber from planning an armed robbery? (and carrying it out, of course) It's not easy, it requires planning, intelligence and effort - and yet organized crime and criminals beat the rest of us like we're pinatas when it comes to it.

But those are the same things which stops the average nice guy from trying - they think about all the ways it cannot be done and then get defeated by that. It doesn't stop the Osamas and the MILF of this world though. 

So, it is not ambition or money or power that corrupts. It is whether or not one has rightful understanding of oneself and the situation and rightful action.

(2) There is a reason for our madness.

Recently, my daughter asked me to read "Alice in Wonderland", which I thought was an extremely childish story, but which taught me that the world really needs Mad Hatters like us. We could not possibly be this way just to kick ourselves into an overdrive of enthusiasm and ideals and running on empty. 

(3) Get rich (or whatever we desire) or die trying. 

Well, if a gangster can say that, I suppose mad-hatters can also say we're going to at least die-trying. 

(4) It's time the good guys push back. Martin Luther King and Gandijhi did it!

(5) Stupid people don't think well ahead before taking action and yet their actions leave a mark on the world - look at the mess we're in. Suppose that thinking people get off their armchairs and take action - the consequences of even a failure to achieve ideals would leave a positive mark on the world.

(6) The Bad Guys always win because they don't suffer from Analysis Paralysis.They're not idealists - they aim for the minimum they're going to get out of it and they usually succeed with maximum results, because the rest of us are still there planning and troubleshooting for an ideal and egalitarian world, leaving us perpetually, like a Deff Leppard song, 2 steps behind.

I just woke up one day and realized my body is getting older but my ideals and philosophies are nowhere near fleshed-out yet. They say the pen is mighty - but in this age of cyber clutter and information overload, I could blog my fingers to bloody stubs and yet it's not going to achieve as much as face-to-face interaction and garnering physical action momentum in the real world. 

Hey, Perez....I'm scared as hell too when it comes to really putting ourselves out there to affect change - but to quote Curtis Jackson albeit a different context - we could at least die trying. Death is the only guarantee in life. We could at least go out with a bang...or a puff of smoke, rather than fade into oblivion once our Alzheimer's sets in. I'm sure there's more we can do for this world than to just eat, shit and die and consume the tons of consumer crap and advertising corporations dish out to us. 

And since I'm into quoting black singers, the late Aaliyah sings, "If at first you don't succeed, just dust yourself off and try again."

Everything on this planet has a purpose for its existence - no doubt each of us has ours too.

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