Monday, November 3, 2008

The beginning of our own destruction - part 1

All of us, well, least the ones that really matter when it comes to making a fucking mess of this world - conform to a set of rules to living. This conformity fucks ourselves over and over again and we get up and do it a different pattern but the same way. No wonder history repeats itself. 

I don't know why I'm so angry. I shouldn't be. But well, to know the name of a thing and to know the thing itself is a different thing, isn't it? I know why I shouldn't be angry - because it is not their fault that they are so caught up in their petty little existence, glorifying their own morality and misplaced sense of righteousness. I know that we cannot be angry with a blind man that hit us with his walking stick because it's our fault for being in the way or not giving way. I have the name of the thing - the explanation - about why it's not necessary to get worked up. But I have not fully internalised the meaning of forgiving for they know not what they are doing. 

I have all these people I know and care about and  we're supposedly to help make this world a better place. But what I see, left, right, and offline, in Asia and across the oceans, are people who do nothing but complain and complain and complain. They complain about money they don't have, the state of life, the government, the economy, so on and so on. When is my turn to complain? The one thing that brings me back to earth is my inability to control my urge to complain about their complaining. 

It is so damn fucking easy to just look at the things that we have drawn around ourselves to define our life and to see how these self-created illussions are entrapping us with false expectations and pursuits. No one sits back and questions whether the viewpoint that we're supposed to have a brick home, electricity, amenities and furnishings, car, insurance, a certain lifestyle, schooling, etc even begins to define life. If it doesn't, why spend so many waking and sleepless hours upholding that reality?

We create all these illussions that make us think we have so much to lose - imagine that, losing illussions! We hallucinate about our own self-importance, our own status and prestige, our cleverness and talents, looks and tastes. All that is worth less than shit - at least with shit it becomes fertiliser. 

You know, people used to live in caves and made mudhouses. In fact, I'm sure you've heard about nomadic tribes. They don't even own a brick house with running water and electricity and I don't think that has yet become one of their ultimate goals in life. It's convenient, sure, but we don't suddenly vanish into thin air and become nothing if we don't own it. And even if we do own them, an earthquake and a tsunami can come a throttling and pretty much make them vanish into thin air. Nowadays, a businessman gloats over a piece of land he's just bought. But God never made us sign leases. The entirety of the things we take for granted as 'reality' is a system of man-made devices, ideas that disproportionately benefit the creative directors and unfairly inherited as an advantage. 

The realities of the feudal-system landowners are as significant today as they have been before. It is the claiming of resources and assignment of privileges, unfair distribution of wealth and resources and surrender to authorities that create rules and systems that keep this balance in place. Modern day society is deeply immersed in this hierarchy and are active, sedated participants of the systems that oppress them. 

How stupid humans are. We surrender our authority to modern landowners; banks with their mortgages and loans and we surrender our mindshare to advertisers who are spindoctors of illussions that feed off our greed, lust and desire. 

The entirety of the world's problems throughout history can be simplified into one thing : The surrender of ourselves to another authority. This other authority creates ideas, systems, laws, political ideologies, philosophies, religions, which we subscribe to one or the other,  but they all do the same thing; exploit and make use of our willingness to surrender to authority by dictating to us and making us dance according to their mix of incentives and punishments. 

Conformity is the ultimate show of our surrender. We conform to our class in society, to our traditions and religions. We conform to schooling so that we can continue to conform to the very evil of 'getting a job'. (Why on earth would anyone's ultimate goal in life is to work on a job?). Conforming to the need to 'get a job' facilitates the other systems - mortgages, loans, exploitative corporations and the highly complex and intoxicating consumer culture. I can hear the instant argument of, "What are we going to feed ourselves with if we don't have a job?". That is proof of the powerful conditioning of these systems and their destructive powers to quash a person's quest for the meaning and purpose of his life. 

For most of history, fact, we only have to look at the Amish community, people did not 'need' a job to 'feed' themselves. They did not allow greedy corporations to facilitate business models that took away land which was meant for food to be polluted in a thousand ways through cattle grazing or indiscriminate dumping of waste. If we are serious in addressing 'reality', we can completely replace the current model of economies and businesses with sustainable ones. A job is not a job unless the big boss decides it is a job. And if nobody is willing to work for a company whose enterprise contributes to the destruction of free air, water and land and its beauty, there will be no company. 

But why do people take up these jobs? "For money". And why the need to have this much money? Is there no other more creative and non-destructive manner to 'make money'? Let's just admit it - we don't want to risk a lot nor lose anything, we want convenience. We want to be sedated. We want to be comfortable. We want to be glorified. And corporations and systems take advantage of that very essence of our stupidity. Having a lot of things you cannot afford to be without is a big weakness. Any mafia understands that. Therefore, it also makes it true that the person who has nothing to lose is a very dangerous person - dangerous to any organization and system of systems. 

The sooner we all wake up and own up to our own weaknesses and reclaim back our unconditional surrender to authority, take responsibility for every single choice in our life the sooner we start saving the world. 

Think about it for a moment. All those corporations and governments and systems you complain about is a product of the people willing to work for them. And the incentives for those people who work for them is a fatter paycheck...and the paychecks keep getting fatter until it is enough to buy their conformity. And why do these people sell out? Because people like you glorify their law and engineering degrees and manufacture a collective belief in the superficial value of material things that they can now own to validate themselves in your eyes.All of us want to glorify ourselves. That is exactly what we do when we glorify others. Because if we dont support such a show of glorification, who will be around to glorify us when it's our turn? For that reason, I will always avoid graduation ceremonies, medals and awards of achievements, my own wedding and anything that reeks of self-glorification or glorification of others. 

All of you believe that there is no other costs behind the material things which glorify members of our society; the expensive suits, cars and real-estate. Take for instance, the doctors and pharmaceutical salespeople and people in the medical health insurance industry who have helped create a reality that is the American health system. That 'reality' is not a reality in the rest of the world. But it is a reality that will allow a few to further exploit and bend a whole lot more people to their will because they have to 'pay for a reality, medical bills.'

Surrender to an authority/system/tradition breeds a collective conformity that fuels the ambitions of the destructive forces. All systems that require surrender, that is headed by an authority will find in itself the seed for its own corruption and destruction, and along with them, the destruction of mankind and life on earth. 

Then how can we tell apart the teams of destructive and creative forces?

The creative forces do not require surrender of any kind. The creative forces lets you grow yourself through Love; by doing what you Love and which is your purpose in Life. The creative forces does not demand your loyalty nor asks you to sacrifice your principles. The Creative forces do  not require you to suspend judgment and logic or make you a victim of your own convictions. The creative force inspires camaraderie in you - for you all share a collective vision of Love and Hope. The creative forces fills you up so much inside and your contribution is your validation - and you do not need senseless consumerism to 


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