Saturday, April 11, 2009
Don't complain unless you have a solution!
So yes, i was saying that I don't usually like to just complain. I'm writing this not as a personal attack against academics. (Only academics attack their own kind, hahahah.) I can be neutral about this because I have the freedom that comes with not having any advanced degrees. And here's my point :
Academics are not Marketers. They may study marketing and business and be a little better at Marketing than their other intellectual peers, but they're not marketing people at heart. They are not sales-people. That's the reason why they kept going back to get more and more advanced degrees - because they want to avoid having to come out into the real-world and make money. People who know how to make money and market will drop out of the race for degrees, pretty much like what Bill Gates and a whole new generation of Harvard Business students are doing by the hundreds.I read somewhere Harvard is setting up an environment on campus for students to start their own business and make money as a way to prevent them from dropping out of school! I think universities, especially American ones, depend on tuition and contributions from their alumni to keep the schools going....
Apart from Academia, everything else in the real-world is about Economic-sense. Despite that, you'd find that even economic lecturers prefer lecturing only about theory, not the real-world. And because Paul Krugman and Mohd. Yunus are and their likes are exceptions, I absolutely want to kiss the ground they walk on. They are academics who are bringing their insight straight to the general public.
Academics don't understand the point that money is made in exchange for value that you sell to people. As long as academics think profitability, money, business and selling corrupts their idealism then that is how long the public will suffer the Divide. Knowledge, my dear Academics, is not Exclusive. If that knowledge and research cannot be converted into value and economic value, then it is money wasted. If I owned a college and all my staff (academics) think about is how to get funding to spend but criticise initiatives to raise those funds they wish to spend, I'd be in deep trouble. There is a reason why, if you want to start a school, the Director/Board and the Principal must be two different people.
Marketing and selling is 'below' academics, and I get that. They may even say it is BECAUSE of the Board of Director's insistance on making money that has caused the decline in the quality of students being admitted and passed. They may believe that running "Free" workshops and seminars for the public is noble. I almost want to slap myself in the face each time I find out there's no follow-up after a certain "Week of .....", "Month of ....." or workshop/seminar. No one tracks data and follows the trail of the impact of those events!
I can imagine some academics getting really pissed-off at Joe Public saying all this. I mean, how can I argue against an army armed with the latest PhDs? These PhDs can easily be used against me as a WMD!
99% of people out there would not even think about presenting their case against academics because of their own inferiority about their lack of formal education. Even if one has tonnes of money (which, ironically, I share the same problems as academics because I am poor)there is always that insecurity that their own knowing is invalid because it's not backed by a prestigious degree. Due to some alignment of stars or something, I lack that sense of insecurity and inferiority. I serve Joe Public using this lack of fear. I want to cross that Divide and bring back ACTIONABLE INFORMATION!!!!
It would be a good day when Academics start thinking like entrepreneurs and salespeople. We're not profit-mongerers. Just as there are academics who manufactured their own degrees, there are entrepreneurs and salespeople who cheat and lie too. It's a problem of morality, not Money. This Divide between academics and the people must close.
I itch like crazy each time I see opportunities that are not tracked, followed and developed and that is how I feel about most events, workshops, seminars etc EXCEPT those organized by entrepreneurs themselves! I look at Gurus like T.Harv Ecker, Anthony Robbins, etc etc. They have an idea, an insight, a theory of things. They see the market needs the information and they deliver it straight to them. For sure many people think thousand dollar seminars are rip-offs but only people who have no money say things like that and we've already established the fact that academics are poor people. We cannot possibly take money-ideas and directions about making money from people who have an issue with money! It's the same reason why we don't take career advice from bums or buy skincare products from a salesperson with severe acne vulgaris!
Granted, the public should also be less anti-intellectual. But if change is going to happen, it must always start small. We win because we outnumber academics. Academics can go on doing what they do well but they must bear in mind that KNOWING something to yourself and your inner-circle isn't good enough. Academics must feel more responsibility in HOW they can channel this information quickly to benefit society and create added-value to the Economy. Academics must feel real responsibility and accountability in achieving win-win situations in turning theory into ACTIONABLE, PROFITABLE practise.
I'm not advocating that academics get another advanced degree in marketing or become money-grubbers (too late to prevent the second one in some cases)but to simply change the way they think about information, value and especially, money. Simply by changing their beliefs about Money, they will change the entire chain of choices they eventually make and this will open up entirely new chains of opportunities that were always there but never seen before.
By doing this the Halo Effect academics now live under will disappear and be replaced with genuine, measurable impact upon society. By doing this, the Divide between Academia and lay-people, will be narrowed.
"Academics, academics, let down your we may climb the Ivory Stair...
The world is ripe for a life of abundance,
Old Capitalism has become irrelevant.
The End of the Old where Knowledge is Gold,
Is being replaced by a system not unlike Alchemy
where instead of metal we use information
The faster we get it, the richer we grow.
For Now is the Time to remove millenium of strife
Caused by a lack of resources and drive
The Freedom wrought from decades of violence
Must now be utilised as a powerful weapon
To eradicate forever the sense of poverty,
of scarcity caused by ignorance about
The powerful force Man can leverage
That force, if you must know is Wealth-Creation (TM)
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