Wednesday, August 27, 2008

All of us are only one step away from doing Evil

A lot of us may think that we're not the worst person on earth and almost all of us criticise acts of cruelty like child abuse, rape, murder, robbery, thuggery. A lot of us think we're standing on a moral high ground. But I've come to a conclusion that each and every one of us are only one motivation away from those acts that we think are despicable. 

I've talked about how we're all creatures of programming. The influences and models we had shape our thoughts, thus action. The people we call 'criminals' are products of the mass illussions we partake in which created a mass reality that set the stage for the programming of these 'criminals'. Their actions are symptoms. And when their actions affect us, of course we are hurt, but we are part of that soil which germinated this 'evil'.

Perhaps, there is not really 'evil' but only an absence of goodness. A lack of goodness makes one evil. Even a person who is vile is not completely evil. He became vile as a symptom of lacking the opportunity to be good. If given a choice, everyone wants to aim for Light, for Goodness, for Love. Even if they say it in spite and anger that they don't want to be good, I believe we are all rooted in good. But it is the programming and motivation provided that makes us do 'evil'. 

A person robs because they grew up in an environment that put so much emphasis on money as a form of worth. They came from a circumstance that put the pressure without providing the tools to achieve such success and self-worth. As for acts of child sexual abuse which we consider extremely heinous, the perpetrators were encouraged by a societal illussion that objectifies females and creates fantasies about females, including that it is about 'purity' and 'chastity' and 'youthfulness'. At the same time, females are creating a different reality by having jobs, confidence, etc which creates a conflict for the simple man who cannot obtain 'pure', 'chaste', 'youthful' women. So he goes for children, before they 'grow up' and become 'inaccessible'.  Then all this porn that is accessible, feeds images of brutality as sexuality and programmes the mind as such. From then on, their future unmindful thoughts and actions will be motivated by these programmings, and they will obtain their arousal from such thoughts and images and be motivated to act on them. 

A person takes bribes again because society idolises materialism. A person gives bribes because society does not enforce efficiency and accountability. A person rapes because they feel disempowered, unworthy, undignified and were given impressions that rape is about taking control, power and dignity away from another. 

A person snatches a purse because they don't know how to obtain a fulfilling, honest living. If they kill someone in the process of it, it is a symptom of the programming they received, where they would have been killed in order for someone else to achieve their material purpose. 

I think I am quite moral. I say I would not murder. But it really depends on the motivation. And how something can motivate me depends largely upon my collective consciousness of Truths. If, for instance, I have already achieved the detachment and clairvoyance of Buddha, I would allow my own offspring to be murdered in order for me not to do great harm to the world which the perpetrator holds me at ransom for. For if I were Buddha, I'd know that death is not the end. And I would know that my offspring in this lifetime, I can meet again. 

I say I would not break any regulations. But if my livelihood depends on it and bureaucracy is making it almost impossible to earn a living, I would break a regulation. My ability to do wrong or evil is a composite result of how far my programming allows me to do something. When a person murders, it is not necessarily so that they wake up in the morning rejoicing over the possibility of murdering someone. But based on what their motivation is to kill (which, again motivation is based on programming) they would. And there's also another series of correlations between guilt and negative behaviour which has to do with the degree of programming. 

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