Thursday, October 9, 2008


The worse quality to lose is the quality of being sensitive. Whether my realization is a product of Jiddu Krishnamurthi's central ideology that sensitivity is the highest form of intelligence or just my repulsion towards insensitivity, I am not sure. It is such a terrible thing when a parent loses their sensitivity towards their child. There is a sort of unhelpful disengagement in the way an insensitive parent relates to a child. A fainting spell is dismissed as insignificant and is blamed on the child's irregular eating habits or irregular sleeping hours. 

To sensitive parents, it is unimaginable for a mother to dismiss a child fainting as something unimportant and insignificant. But it is not so surprising if you know that this same parent completely ignores signs of severe and crippling depression and suicidal tendencies in two of her 4 children. 

How does a parent reach this point where they become so uncaring and insensitive? They have shed off qualities of love, kindness and sensitivity and descended into a world which holds little joy and wonder. It takes a truly sensitive person to be aware of the insensitivy of others. 

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