Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Trinity of Suffering and the 3-step salvation

It is really so silly that the whole problem of our world hinges upon money, power and fame. People go hungry, wars flare up, people lose their loved ones, are oppressed, are rejected, are denied - in short, are in so much pain because of man-made systems that favour the top few percent. 

The trinity of suffering, that's my name for them. I find it so hard to put it into words that mass hallucination and suffering descending upon ourselves because of our obssession with the Trinity of Suffering. 

Step 1, live a productive life. Discover your talents and God's gifts in you and use that in a creative way that allows you to exchange that value with someone else. That way you don't have to create everything you need to live the life you want, on your own. Money facilitates this exchange of products and services. That is all there is to money - a symbolism of the creativity and solutions you have created with your life energy and ability. 

This step solves all the major headaches of modern day. We could even get rid of the entire, expensive schooling system that is supposed to prepare us for 'jobs' to get a 'good salary' and replace it with a community facility which lets people come in and discover and develop their innate gifts. When we get rid of schooling, we get rid of all the other implications and repercussions of schooling. One very obvious one is, we're saving resources from needing to have standardised curriculums, exams, reports, etc and we would stop throwing humans into the grinding system as teachers to fuel the machinery. We would free people who are otherwise shackled into the system as teachers because a more creative and productive society has a more diverse economy. And if schooling was not such a burgeoning administrative undertaking, it would need less teachers. And poof, all the stress caused by schooling and the exploitation of learning by the tuition industry goes away.

Ahh, we argue that the workbook making and tuition drilling industry is a significant economy. We can simply replace them with more productive and creative economies. We tend to think of an economy as a physical matter - something that is not arbitrary. - Hello?

Step 1 also eliminates the stress of dead-end jobs, time-marking occupations and mirages that shackle you to a job title. It frees everyone to be productive and creative and to discover and answer the question : "Why am I here?"

Step 2, throw away the notion that we can only exist in an autocratic hierarchy or any form of authority. Where there is a collective agreement to surrender freedom to an authority,that is the bedrock that breeds fear. And almost every other crime which stems from, greed, envy, underachievement, murder, is an extension of Fear. Authorities that we uphold today are the government, traditions, customs, the school, our parents, our elders. Everybody is entitled the freedom to discover their true potential and not be shackled and have their life energy employed for another's profit. 

Step 3, understand that there is no need to have an identity of, "Who am I?". All of us are in a constant state of flux. Who we are is directly connected to the information we filter and process. As we change direction in this state of flux, 'who we are' changes too. There is no ultimate single identity; there is only the form or shape we have taken as a vessel in letting a Higher Love flow through us as we create a new world, a new collective, a new civilisation/existence through our creative self, our sensitive self. 

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