Sunday, November 16, 2008

Akademik di laut, orang biasa di jalanan...bilakah akan bertemu dalam kuali?

Have you ever tried gleaning insight and knowledge from selecting the freshest fish in the market for ideas and strategies? With so much information being made available, we would think that the answers to solve all of humanity's problems and elevate all of us to self-actualization would've been found, correlated and delivered.

Anyway, I'm speaking specifically from the context of reading drafts and papers presented at conferences ............well, one has to speak Academish to appreciate its literary and entertainment value. In order to make ONE point,it seems like one has to sift through endless drones of references and names and abbreviations and annotations et al to arrive at a mind-blowing point. But no. Maybe it's me, ....I don't know.... but I never seem to arrive at any conclusive, mind-blowing point without having to read a few hundred pages of text. Sometimes that never happens at all. I seem to find more answers from doing nothing but observing life than I do going through the sea of academic papers.

I don't want to sound anti-intellectual or anti-academic and it's perfectly easy to accuse me of that because mah no-ledge nevar went to kolej. OK, maybe I was being self-deprecating but that's not the point. I often wonder, how long does it take information to get distilled and distributed to the people its life would impact and change? Everything I've been reading from financial management to investing to economic development and sustainable economies, psychology, etc seems to be providing a coherent theme the Everyday Person can utilise.

For some reason, the role of academia was supposed to provide insight to regular folk........ like, It's either academics and their inner-circle have some kind of screening procedure keeping the public out and their friends in or there's a really big gap no one is addressing. Understandably, academics stay in their ivory towers to write peer-reviewed papers. And Gurus sometimes give talks in academic settings and spend their free time writing books; books that the ordinary folk might not get to at all, often.

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