Monday, November 17, 2008

Hey, who day?

I gotta say, the one thing I love about blogging is that you can have absolutely no talent in writing and yet produce a piece of writing for possible mass consumption - albeit selectively, here in cyberspace. It's like writing a diary you want people to find - and I've had a tendency of doing that. I remember this one time when I was a teenager, and I let a friend 'read my diary' - which was, of course, embellished with timelines that extended beyond my actual age at that time. She said I reminded her of Anne Frank blah blah ....until today, I have not read that diary though I have come across the knowledge that she was some kid stuck in an attic during the Holocaust. Now, to my point...

Now, blogging adds this aspect of being able to spin fantasy, real-life drama and opinion in a diary-form which can be selectively public. It marries all the issues I have about writing; on one hand, I can only ever write from a voice that is very me, very personal, which would make it sort of like a diary, wouldn't it? However, a diary isn't sexy unless it's read by people who are anonymous to you at the point of them savouring the fruits of your writing ;).

This blog is going to be the witness to the birth of my published-self. ...even if my blog is self-published :).

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